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Keep Walking Your Walk

Where did all this pressure come from?

The pressure that we must live in a certain way. That there’s a right and wrong way to do it and failure is not an opportunity to learn, but a risky thing to be avoided. That we cannot have our process of creation- in other words, how we decide to walk towards mastery of our gifts- but someone else needs to tell us how to do it. That we don’t have enough time and we must move as fast as possible to get ¨there.¨ That one step towards something more significant is not enough. That it’s not okay to be unclear, to not know what direction we are heading.

Trust. We’ve lost trust in the intelligence that creates our magnificence. Or more accurately, we became scarce about it, thinking that the creative force would too run out. We have tried to trap this resource based on the ways we know it from the past. If you possess a certain gift you get placed in the appropriate bucket pertaining to that gift, if you make a mistake it must be paid for, if you do everything right you’re asked more of, and if you have symptoms you are diagnosed.

These automatic functions of our collective psyche work some of the time, but also some of the time they don’t. When they don’t work, we end up hurting ourselves. Where we tried to rely on a black and white recipe which inhibited us from seeing the subtle nuances of the situation. And when we are hurt, we only see the symptoms of our mistrust. Where we find ourselves in challenging situations, experience burnout in stressful work environments, or go through relationship struggles. These are all manifestations of the pressure, but when they come up it’s too late to deal with the pressure itself. It’s then that we are engulfed in smoke and can no longer see the fire to put it out.

Indeed, many of the structures we have created are invaluable. So, this is not about the system itself, but the pressure inside of the system. The system is a product of innovation, an evolutionary drive, but the pressure is something we’ve added on top of it in order to feel like we have control over what happens next.

And this, I believe, is a misconception that we live by. The belief that- since we have instruments that can calculate precise particles of matter, because we have systems that have worked for hundreds of years, since we have been through something similar before- we know where we’re going. An often overlooked illusion. No one truly knows why we are here and what will become of us.

How do we start with a fact other than this when we are trying to solve problems? The humility that maybe we don’t know where to go from here, but life does. And life is something we are seamlessly integrated into, so if we tuned in we might have an opportunity to connect with a greater intelligence than our own. We might be able to rely on something that is not based on the past. Maybe we would be able to innovate beyond our means.

When we put pressure on the system it creates a false system. An ideal. This can be helpful but it also can be detrimental to our development. Because then we project what worked for us in the past onto the future. Which doesn’t allow for revelation and, henceforth, revolution to unfold.

So, maybe it’s not supposed to be the way we did it before. Maybe it’s different now. And it’s possible that since it’s different it might take some time for the new way to be clear. Therefore, what might look like chaos, maybe a massive shift towards a new outcome. That way, even the dissonance- when life feels disconnected, confusing, unjust, and tumultuous- would be our path.

If this were the case, wouldn’t it be helpful to be connected to the process? I’m not saying it would be enjoyable or easy, it’s not. Or that we must just accept the transgressions of the world and not take any action in support of resolve. I’m saying that we wouldn’t buy into the pressure. We would be able to distinguish the smoke from the fire.

Therefore, we wouldn’t waste our energy on symptoms, which are caused by the pressure of the past, but shine our light on the root cause. And the more light shone on the source (i.e. the more people focused on it) the better opportunity we have to see where we are stuck and thus ask for help. When there is an openness to receive, insight, information, and inspiration naturally come. And this is what the pressure gets in the way of.

I dream of living in a world that has restored the trust in the inherent power and intelligence of life. So, this is for those walking in the directionless direction. Those that are allowing the circumstances of life to reveal to them what the next step is. To the ones that are patient in taking that step, knowing there’s a ripening process happening that cannot be seen by those in a rush to get somewhere. Those who know that this process may not be completed before they leave this world. Who starts from where they are at, not getting ahead of themselves. The ones that are worshiping something but have no idea what it is. To those that are okay with not knowing.

To you, I bow and say… keep walking your walk.